Educational Website

    • Created a Responsive Educational website, which is live and has more than 2000 visitors and on website there are different section.
    • Tool used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, SQL.
    • GitHub: Click         Educational Website Link: Click

Must_Authenticate App

    • Must_Authenticate is a simple two-factor authentication app, built with React Native and available on the Google Play store.
    • It was originally built to provide a faster, more modern alternative to older two-factor authentication apps.
    • Designed around the core principles of ease-of-use, speed and security, it includes cryptographic implementations from scratch for all the required algorithms, including SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-1, HOTP and TOTP, in pure TypeScript. Furthermore, it is completely open-source and free to use, making it a great choice for two-factor authentication.
    • Tool used: TypeScript, React Native.
    • GitHub: Click         Must_Authenticate Link: Click

Digital Writeboard

    • Digital Writeboard is a simple yet stylish whiteboard app which allows any class or team to share their ideas quickly and easily.
    • It offers a user-friendly and intuitive platform for students to engage with lessons and make progress in today's increasingly-online world.
    • Writeboard was quickly adopted by my school & college and peaked at 126 active users in February, having been used in more than 25 countries around the world.
    • Tool used: TypeScript, Sass, Firebase, HTML.
    • GitHub: Click         Digital Writeboard Link: Click


    • Created a Dice-Game in which we can select n number of dice and have the option to roll them.
    • Tool used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
    • GitHub: Click         Dice-Game Link: Click

Solidity Smart Contract

    • Created a smart contract in which we can transfer coin from one user to another.
    • Tool used: Solidity, Remix IDE.
    • GitHub: Click

New Hash Algorithm using 3X+1 Conjecture

Research Paper: Click

    • Developed a novel hash algorithm based on the Collatz Conjecture, leveraging its conditional branching structure to create a complex and secure one-way function. This approach introduces significant computational challenges, making it a promising candidate for cryptographic security.
    • Conducted an in-depth analysis demonstrating the exponential dependence between conditional branching and computational cost in the Collatz function. This analysis supports the potential of the Collatz Conjecture as a robust foundation for cryptographic functions and opens avenues for further research in optimizing performance and testing resistance to cryptographic attacks.
    • GitHub: Click

Secure Code Signing Using Ring- Tesla Signature

Research Paper: Click

    • Ring-LWE is based on the hardness of solving lattice problems, which are believed to be resistant to attacks by quantum computers. This makes Ring-Tesla a promising candidate for post-quantum cryptography.
    • Consider ring-tesla implementation and update it and implement that code private key and public key for security of code sign-in.
    • GitHub: Click

Reducing the Size of the Lattice using K-Means

Research Paper: Click

    • There is a field Lattice Based Cryptography in Post-Quantum Cryptography and a problem of lattice-based cryptography is the Shortest Vector Problem which is defined as finding the shortest vector in an n-dimension lattice, we familiarised the model with the self-generated database of the lattice.
    • Applied K-Means algorithm of machine learning is uses Euclidean Distance on 2-dimension lattice & accuracy is-74% , 4-dimension lattice & accuracy is-60%.
    • GitHub: Click

Attack On Lattice, Shortest Vector Problem Using K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm(KNN)

Research Paper_1: Click    Research Paper_2: Click

    • There is a field Lattice Based Cryptography in Post-Quantum Cryptography and a problem of lattice-based cryptography is the Shortest Vector Problem which is defined as finding the shortest vector in an n-dimension lattice, we familiarised the model with the self-generated database of the lattice.
    • Applied KNN algorithm of machine learning is uses Euclidean Distance on 2-dimension lattice & accuracy is-74% , 4-dimension lattice & accuracy is-67% ,10-dimension lattice & accuracy is- 61% .
    • GitHub: Click